
Empowering Employees:
Cultivate wellness,
inspire excellence

Learn how your employees feel through daily check-ins and get the insights you need to increase well-being, build a better workplace culture and improve staff retention.

Communication - Prevention - Retention.

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How Does It Work?

Quick & easy set up

Sign in

Sign In

Employees register for a personal account on FeelHQ.

Sign in

Check In

Employees submit a daily check-in and reason.

Sign in

Consultation forms

Send employees forms and questionnaires straight to their phone, for more detailed emotional data.

manage employee record
touch id

Manage your employee
records & statistics

Each employee has their own profile and data analytics where managers can view, assess and respond to early indicators of mental health decline.

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Individual employee analytics

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Manage staff profile

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View responses

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List of completed forms

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Target support

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Schedule well-being meetings

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Mental health questionnaires

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Easy to use

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100% secure platform

Workplace Overview

Use the main dashboard for an overview of issues arising in your organisation, based on the real- time emotional data of your employees. The dashboard highlights quickly and clearly your main areas for concern, i.e. relationship problems, work related stress, home life difficulties etc so leaders can apply targeted support to effectively improve work place culture.

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Broadcast notifications
& announcements to your employees

Broadcast notifications to your whole team with important information, well-being hints & tips, positive messages and encouragement. You can also send your whole team the well-being questionnaire to see how each term is going for your employees.

Play FeelHQ's Demo Video

What do our users think?

FeelHQ means no one goes under the radar and everyone's mental health is a priority


FeelHQ and the daily check-in has revolutionised our workplace culture. Communication has improved, understanding and empathy has flourished and individual team members are now thriving more than ever with consistent, targeted support.


Setting Manager


This platform has been really beneficial to my working life and brings so much comfort to me with sharing how I am feeling when I don’t have the confidence to talk about it.


Room Lead


FeelHQ is essential to opening up conversations around mental health where staff can pull on each other for support, ultimately creating a sense of togetherness. I recommend every setting to adopt and implement FeelHQ within their workplace, I don’t understand how we ever existed without it.


Deputy Manager